Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Why Immokalee?

Immokalee, FL is an agricultural hub for the United States. While this area produces 90% of the nation’s winter tomatoes, the small town and its community of migrant farmworkers (mainly Mexican, Haitian, and Guatemalan decent) still face harsh working conditions in the fields and a very small amount of wages as compensation.  This experience looks at how we, as people of faith, identify with the struggle of the migrant farmworker and the marginalized immigrant population in the United States. Join students as they walk in solidarity with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) and their ally organizations:

Student Farmworker Alliance (SFA), and Interfaith Action. 
Educational Resources:
Coalition of Immokalee Workers: www.ciw-online.org
Student Farmworker Alliance: www.sfalliance.org
Interfaith Action: http://www.interfaithact.org/
Interfaith Action “Faith Moves Mountains” Campaign: http://vimeo.com/35123868

*This blog is sponsored by Spiritan Campus Ministry at Duquesne University. For more information on our mission please visit http://duq.edu/life-at-duquesne/spiritan-campus-ministry

Monday, February 25, 2013